OneThird CMS

Lightweight CMS for Small website, Web application framework.

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Create a ToDo app (5): Conclusion

OneThird procedure to make a simple TodoWeb app CMS are as follows

  1. Folder preparation
  2. You want to create a registration form
  3. Making a template module for displaying a registration form
  4. Make a template module to create a list

To create a Web application in OneThird CMS, to make a folder for each function, is the easiest way to assign a control program on each page

At that time, please use by modifying the template module that has been prepared in advance

You know, if I look at the source code of the template modules, but each program looks amateurish in a flat structure

But, to minimize as much as possible the module coupling, a copy of the source code, it is considered so that it can operate without causing even trouble performing paste

For example, in simple_folder.php

Processing around the page additional buttons, despite being treated with ajax

processing portion from the 127 line of write_page_folder, up to 192 line

It is nearly summarized the button display part 207 line Atari

Moreover, after cutting out the parts, it is almost possible operate even write to any position of any other kind of template module

In this way, remodeling come and copy-paste because of the high standard template modules that are provided in the re-use of OneThird CMS, please do use once

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