In OneThird CMS, it offers two of multilingual way
One way is to use a multi-language support plug-ins
Multilingual plug-ins, but had been shipped as a standard plug-in to v1.2x, since v1.3x, became the extension plug-in
Multilingual plug-in is compatible with unlimited number of languages
To use, please add the following code snippet to /files/1/plugin/plugin.php
$params['prefix_list'] = array('en'); // ex. array('en','jp',...) $plugin_ar[ LANG_PAGE_ID ] = array( 'selector' => "multi_language" , 'title' => "multi language page" , 'add_page' => true , 'php' => "multi_language" ); $plugin_ar[ LANG_DATA_ID ] = array( 'selector' => "multi_language" , 'php' => "multi_language" , 'static' => array("p{page}.html","en/p{page}.html") );
download :
To use, please change the page type of page you want to multi-lingual to the 185 number from the usual No. 1
However, in multilingual it takes a large amount of translation costs, usually English page and the Japanese page to language in a production base
It has become a most 3 language about
Therefore, we recommend another way more simple
Another way is to save the translation information in the meta data in the page
You can easily change the multi-language page by adding the following code snippet to /files/1/plugin/plugin.php
$params['prefix_list'] = array('en'); // ex. array('en','jp',...) $params['hook']['after_read_page'][] = 'after_read_page_multi_language'; function after_read_page_multi_language(&$page_ar) { global $html,$params,$ut; $lang = trim($params['url_prefix'],' /'); $edit_mode = isset($_GET['mode']) && $_GET['mode'] == 'edit'; $k = array_search($lang,$params['prefix_list']); if ($k !== false) { if (isset($page_ar['meta']['lang'][$lang]['contents'])) { $page_ar['contents'] = $page_ar['meta']['lang'][$lang]['contents']; } else { if (!$edit_mode) { $page_ar['contents'] = "<p style='color:red'>This page has not been translated yet.</p>".$page_ar['contents']; } } if (isset($page_ar['meta']['lang'][$lang]['title'])) { $page_ar['title'] = $page_ar['meta']['lang'][$lang]['title']; } $params['hook']['before_modified'][] = 'before_modified_page_multi_language'; } else { if (check_rights() && isset($page_ar['id'])) { $params['add-blockmenu'][] = "<input type='button' value='eng' class='onethird-button mini' onclick='location.href=\"{$ut->link($page_ar['id'],"prefix:en/")}\"' />"; } } } function before_modified_page_multi_language(&$new_ar) { global $params,$ut; if (isset($_POST['draft'])) { return true; } $lang = trim($params['url_prefix'],' /'); $new_ar['meta']['lang'][$lang]['contents'] = $new_ar['contents']; unset($new_ar['contents']); $new_ar['meta']['lang'][$lang]['title'] = $new_ar['title']; unset($new_ar['title']); $new_ar['metadata'] = serialize64($new_ar['meta']); unset($new_ar['meta']); if (mod_data_items($new_ar)) { if (isset($params['top_page'])) { header("Location: {$ut->link()}"); } else { if ($new_ar['block_type'] == 5) { header("Location: {$ut->link($new_ar['link'])}"); } else { header("Location: {$ut->link($new_ar['id'])}"); } } exit(); } exit_proc(400, 'Save-Error'); }
To use it, a list of languages that you want to support, $params described the prefix in [ 'prefix_list'], please visit, including the prefix described in $params [ 'prefix_list'] in the URL
If there is a translation, if the translation does not appear, you will see the warning statements and Japanese page of that there is no translation
When you edit, you can edit the data for that language
The multilingual plug-in, but you will need to change all the page type that you want to support, can be written in English and is this way only the pages you want to add an English translation
However, in this way, because you are using a page in the meta data, or if extremely large amount of text, you will not be able to correspond to the multi-national language of an amount that does not fit in the meta-information
In addition, there is also a disadvantage not be applied to the search in the normal page search because it uses the metadata
But, then I think that there is no problem as long as the normal sentence amount of about Sanke language will not be a problem if you do not want to use the site search
(If the site in the search is necessary, you can use the page in the search plug-in that the meta-data to the target)
For links automatically adjusted to each link
In OneThird CMS, it has become a rule set forth in all the internal link tag ($link tag or $ut->link tag)
$link tag or, if using a $ ut-> link, link of each Pejihe from the English page is automatically adjusted
If it is linked to in
If you open a is rewritten automatically to
The method, without having to create individual translated pages as multi-language plug-in can be done at once
But when the translation, it is necessary to perform the individual translation, it is very troublesome
Therefore, it is possible to translate without spending more easily effort captures the Google translation feature
It is the way that has been adopted at this site
In OneThird CMS, automatically makes the canonical set if it is accessed by other than the original page URL as SEO measures
However, it is whether the subtleties put a canonical English page or the corresponding English page put a canonical of the original page and thought Japanese page
If OneThird not do anything in CMS, URL of the English page will set the canonical Japanese page
Please add the following such code if you do not want to do this
$params['hook']['before_expand'][] = "multi_language_canonical"; function multi_language_canonical() { global $params,$ut; if ($params['url_prefix'] == 'en') { $params['canonical'] = $ut->link($params['page']['id'],'prefix:en'); } }