To add a page in the program, you can easily add the following code
$r = array();
$r['result'] = false;
$r['type'] = TOPIC_ITEM_ID; //plugin ID
$r ['link'] = $ p_page; // upper page (optional)
$r ['user'] = $ user; // default, the login user
$r ['mode'] = 1; // publish (= draft in 0)
$r['metadata'] = $meta; // Optional
if (create_page( $r )) {
return false;
Result in $r ['result'], $r ['id'] page ID that was created in, the URL that has been created in the $r ['open_url'] return
ot.add_page(); .. parent page
ot.add_page(page_id); .. inner page
ot.add_page(page_id,true); .. lower page
Similarly, to delete a page in the program, you can easily add the following code
remove_this_page(page number);
Delete specific page or less, the lower pages including
remove_page (page number);
Delete only the specific page
ot.remove_page (page number)
Delete specific page or less, the lower pages including