OneThird CMS

Lightweight CMS for Small website, Web application framework.

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Notice of v1.7x Heaven's Door vulnerability

Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported to the v1.7x Heaven's Door previous version

  1. JVN # 13003724: there was a XSS vulnerability in the inquiry form
  2. JVN # 49408248: there was a XSS vulnerability in the language selection screen

For 2., anyone who wants to install new, please use the v1.8x Show Off

Already for those who are still language.php in the installation folder in the way of the already installed, please upgrade to either v1.8x Show Off to remove the language.php

For 1., / plugin / contact.php or replace the new edition v1.8x Show Off, please upgrade to

You can upgrade from a backup tool for v1.8x Show Off

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